Product overview

For every step in your team's journey

Create, share, connect, and measure with features built to ensure your team's training success.

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Create engaging learning content like a pro using Continu's powerful authoring tools.

Learning Tracks

Build Learning Tracks, Courses, and Resources in no time with powerful course building tools.

Articles & Wikis

Create flexible Articles and Wikis, including embedded media and files, in a matter of minutes.

Virtual & In-person Workshops

Manage your ILT all in one place: mark attendance, create wait-lists and automate pre and post-workshop materials.

Assessments & Quizzes

Build extremely powerful Assessments and Quizzes, ranging from multiple choice to video coaching, all within the platform.

Videos & Media

Upload, embed, link, and record videos and rich media directly. Your media options are endless.

Files & Docs

Import or reference documents and files from other tools right within Continu.

Content Authoring

Let Continu AI build your content, focusing on your learner needs and optimizing for learner engagement.


Continu AI creates the most suitable descriptions for your content, helping reduce admin hours.


Seamlessly translate content into 100+ languages using Continu AI with one click.

Personalized Learning

Tailor learning experiences by geography, department, or custom variables using Smart Segmentation™.


Automate your new hire training, ongoing development, or compliance training with Workflow™ features.


Create due dates, escalation pathways, and custom notifications to ensure learners never miss important training.

Search & Discover

Find and discover content quickly and simply with sophisticated search tools and personalized recommendations

Collaborate with Others

Build connections by liking, sharing, discussing, searching, and interacting via our native Slackbot.


Interact, share and learn with others with with a visual learning plan.


Content recommendations based on behavior, interests and learning patterns.


Continu deeply connects to the tools you already use, boosting value and engagement across the board.

Learn Anywhere

Take learning where your learners
are with our powerful collaboration

Deeply Integrated

Keep on using the tools you’re using: import Google Drive files, share via Slack, train via Zoom, and more.

Train in Your CRM

Create due dates, escalation pathways, and custom notifications to ensure learners never miss important training.

Unlock Remote Learning

Automate attendance tracking, pre and post-workshop materials, and recordings using our deep Zoom integration.


Celebrate learning milestones, drive engagement and keep learners motivated with recognition for their achievements.


Collaborate, manage and build together in a customized cohort environment.


Measure what matters most with Continu's
real-time analytics, reporting, and dashboards.

Real-Time Tracking

Track learner activity in real-time, from engagement metrics to social information.

Exportable Reports

Download any metric as a .csv, easily, whenever you like.

Custom Reporting

Tailor reports to understand how learning is tracking by geography or department.

Track Attendance

Manage attendance and configure automated wait-lists easily, all in one place.

ROI Dashboard

Showcase the value of learning initiatives across segments and your organization at large.

Open APIs

Continu makes it easy to export any of your data to a third-party system.


Learner Engagement
11% industry average

Industry average 86%


Course Completion Rate
40% industry average

Industry average <40%


User Adoption Rate
79% industry average

Industry average 79%


Customer Service Rating

Industry average 84%

84% industry average

Take the first step toward training that isn’t tedious

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